Upcoming BCS Tractor Trainings
BCS Tractor Training Sessions
Did you know that the Tool Library has a BSC Tractor available for Tool Library members? To rent the BCS Tractor, a Tool Library member must attend at least one training session. Training sessions are FREE and open to all members. Sessions are facilitated by our Tool Library manager, Mike Ream. The next training session will be held Saturday, March 29 at 10:00 am. Choose from the following sessions.
BCS Training Sessions will be held on the following dates at 10:00 AM
Saturday 3/29
Saturday, 4/26
Saturday, 5/24
Saturday, 6/28
Saturday, 7/26
Saturday, 8/23
Saturday, 9/27
To register, email Mike at ToolLibrary@modconliving.org.
All sessions are held at the Tool Library.
3840 E. 5th Ave.
Columbus, OH 43219
Visit the Tool Library page to view the BCS Tractor Policies
BCS Tractor Reservation Information
The BCS Tractor is available to Tool Library members with a $50 reservation fee. BCS Tractor and equipment is available for two-day loans.
$25 per day for the BCS Tractor.
$20 per day for each attachment.
Equipment not returned on time will incur late fees.